Saturday 2 January 2010

The Irrepressibles

From some bands, there's no escape - their campaign cudgel hits you about the eyes and ears wherever you seem to go, no matter how picky you are with your bars and shops. Then others' seem only to cross your peripheral vision before they're gone, leaving behind a wish for a better look.

Some were lucky enough to catch a glimps of the Irrepressibles in the woods around Latitude or on its lake this, and last, summer. A chosen few were left astonished when they popped up at the V&A in London. And a tantalising trace of this chimera, half band half mini-orchestra, has been circulating on Youtube for a while, in the form of a short film by Shelly Love in which the band perform.

In January 2010, led by their creator and front man Jamie McDermott, the shy Irrepressibles will be stepping out of the mist to offer us all a taste of their craft with their debut album, Mirror Mirror. Costume, movement, spectacle and sumptuous music are the parts. The sum is a heart-stopping, often sensual magic.

Volatile and surprising, Mirror Mirror is released on V2/Co-op on Jan 11. Available to order from Amazon.

1 comment:

Aimee Winters said...

These guys put on a far superior show to most of the major label cack that these pages give favour to.

Aimee of Adam4Adam